Have you read the book or seen the movie all the light we cannot see well today we are in Saint Malow France where the book is set #allthelightswecannotsee #movies #moviescene #netflix #allthelightswecannotseenetflix @Netflix @NetflixFrance

have you read the book or seen the movie
all the light we cannot see well that is
set where I’m at today in St Malo France
St Malo is a city in northern France on
the Britney Coast the story all the
light we cannot see is told from the
perspective of a blind person and the
descriptions of the places are even more
important and the entire world city of
St Malo is brought to life by the author
so much so that even if you haven’t
visited you’ll feel like you know your
way around but visiting this town is
even better you can follow Marie Lor’s
Footsteps in the book and see the sights
she experienced through touch sound
smell and even taste now if you’re
visiting St mow prepare yourself read or
reread the book or see the movie so that
it is freshen your mind as you step
through the Fortified Gates and back
into time in St mow here’s a tip for you
outside of the wall Gates you’re going
to see an island and you can actually
walk out to the island at low tide but
make sure you return in good time as the
title range here it’s nearly 40 ft and
the water comes in fast so I bought
another one of the books today even
though I already have one back home but
I just wanted to buy a book at the place
that it was set we had dinner Pete had
steak I had pasta and now we’re back in
our camper

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