How To Make Coffee At Home

Discover how to make coffee at home using various methods. Whether you prefer a French press, espresso, or auto-drip, this video covers essential techniques to enhance your coffee experience. Learn the right coffee-to-water ratio, ideal brewing time, and how to choose the best beans. Perfect for beginners and coffee enthusiasts alike, this guide will help you make a great cup of coffee every time.

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95 million cups of coffee are drunk in the UK every day.
This huge number really shows just how much we love our coffee.
As we all search for that perfect cup, we start to see that making coffee is quite a personal thing.
There are loads of different ways to make coffee, from the really popular methods to the more subtle techniques.
Each way of making it brings out its own special flavours and textures.
Diving into the coffee world, we see a mix of old traditions and new ideas.
While the classic ways of making coffee are still evolving, there are also exciting, new methods popping up that are a real treat for our senses.
But even with all these innovations, the old-school manual methods still hold a special place for coffee drinkers.
As we dig deeper into these changes, we discover all the little secrets that turn a simple coffee bean into a regal drink.
The secret to brewing fantastic coffee lies in getting the basics right, no matter if you’re using a simple French press or a fancy syphon.
Four things are crucial: the quality of the water, the temperature of the water, the coffee-to-water ratio, and the brewing time.
These elements help make sure that every cup shows off your brewing skills and the coffee’s complex flavours.
Starting with your equipment, which can range from basic filters to high-tech machines, it’s key to understand their role in making your coffee.
For instance, the type of filter you use can affect the body and clarity of your coffee.
Using a precise scale can also help keep the coffee-to-water ratio spot on.
When making coffee, a few key factors are important for the best flavour.
First, use filtered or spring water to keep out any unwanted tastes that you might get from tap water.
Aim for a water temperature between 90°C and 96°C, which is great for most coffee-making methods.
As for the amount of coffee, a ratio of 1 to 15 between coffee and water is usually a good balance.
This means that you should use fifteen parts water for every part coffee.
Lastly, how long you brew depends on the method.
For example, if you’re using a French press, let your coffee sit for about four minutes.
If you’re making an espresso, just a quick 30-second shot will do.
Pour-over brewing methods are a very popular method of making coffee.
I can remember my mother buying me my first pour over coffee brewer.
I can remember that she said she had been watching a program on coffee making in Japan and saw the pour over and decided to buy me one as a present.
I still have it and use it regularly.
It takes time to brew, but it allows me to prepare the coffee in the exact way I like it.
A similar pour over to the one I have is the Chemex.
It’s a really popular choice for pour-over coffee drinkers.
It’s not just about its stylish looks, though its sleek hourglass shape certainly makes it a standout on any countertop.
What really sets it apart is its use of thick bond paper filters.
These aren’t just any filters; they’re designed to keep out any sediment, ensuring that all the subtle flavours of your coffee are perfectly highlighted.
Pour-over brewing with a Chemex is more than just making coffee; it’s an art that requires patience, precision, and a careful eye.
Every little detail matters, from the size of the coffee grind to the speed at which you pour the water.
Getting these small things right can hugely impact the taste of your coffee, turning a regular cup into an experience.
Immersion brewing is another popular coffee brewing method.
The 2 that immediately spring to mind are the french press, also known as a cafetière and the aeropress.
The french press is really popular, simply measure the coffee to the amount of water, i’d use 60 grams per litre.
Obviously it depends on how big your french press or cafetiere is, so extrapolate the amounts from that.
Place it into the french press, add water around 90-96 degrees or just off boiling if you are not using a temperature controlled kettle and then let it steep for 4-5 minutes.
When you push the plunger down, do it slowly!
The coffee grounds will be pushed to the bottom and the oils will pass through the metal filter.
You will end up with lovely textured coffee, just the thing to drink after your fancy dinner party.
The AeroPress is another favourite for making a smooth cup of coffee, and it’s super easy to use.
Start by adding your coffee, about 15 to 20 grams is good, depending on how strong you like it.
Then, pour water just off the boil directly over the coffee.
Give it a good stir to make sure all the grounds are soaked.
Next, let it sit and steep for about 1 to 2 minutes.
You can tweak the time a bit depending on how strong you like your coffee.
Once it’s steeped, place the AeroPress over your cup and press down the plunger slowly.
This pressure pushes the water through the coffee grounds and filter, trapping the grounds at the bottom and allowing clean, flavourful coffee to pass through.
This method is great because it’s quick and it makes a coffee with a really smooth flavour, perfect for a quick morning start or a mid-afternoon pick-me-up.
The world of coffee brewing tools has really come a long way, focusing on making things easier without skimping on quality.
At the top of the automated brewing game, you’ve got auto-drip machines.
These devices blend simple, user-friendly interfaces with cutting-edge technology to deliver a top-notch brewing process.
They offer a brewing experience that’s hard to beat.
Auto-drip machines range from models with one-touch operations to those that let you customise pretty much everything.
They’re great at maintaining the perfect water temperature, which is crucial for extracting the best flavour from your coffee.
This standout feature, along with their automated nature, means you can get on with other things in your morning routine while your coffee brews.
I have a gleaming machine made of stainless steel that has a ‘gold’ standard for coffee brewing.
It will even allow me to set up my temperature and bloom time, should I want to get that finicky about it.
I rarely do.
Anyway, here’s what makes them so popular.
Firstly, consistency.
Every cup, every time, the same.
The same flavour, the same temperature, always the same.
Next, the convenience.
Generally, they are straightforward to use, they have programmable settings, you set up what you want and then just press the go button each time.
Do they take the craft away from making the coffee?
Probably, but sometimes you just want the coffee.
Now we get to Espresso brewing.
This is a world where the details and the passion are mixed up together.
Every tiny adjustment you make can hugely affect your coffee’s taste.
It’s all about pairing your skills with a good machine to really get the best out of your coffee beans.
Espresso machines help coffee drinkers and baristas really capture the true essence of coffee.
They give you control over everything from the water temperature to how hard the water presses through the coffee.
This control lets you extract every one of those flavour notes that makes a proper espresso so special.
Making espresso starts with finely grinding your coffee beans and then firmly tamping them down to get ready for the hot water that’ll be pushed through under high pressure.
You’ve got to really know your coffee and be able to handle your machine like a pro.
This careful preparation is crucial because it sets the stage for the espresso to develop a dense body, rich flavour, and that signature crema on top, the light, creamy layer that sits right at the surface.
So, when you nail this process, you’re not just brewing coffee; you’re crafting something special that really shows off your skills and the quality of your beans.
The heart of an espresso machine is its powerful pump, which drives water through tightly packed coffee at nearly 9 bar of pressure.
This high pressure is essential because it pulls out the oils, sugars, and aromatic compounds from the coffee grounds, producing a concentrated shot that’s both intense and richly layered.
Getting the hang of using an espresso machine and fine-tuning the pressure makes all the difference.
It’s what separates a mediocre espresso from a truly exceptional one.
Recently, there’s been a real surge in interest in alternative brewing methods, thanks to new tech advancements that have led to some pretty innovative gadgets.
These tools aren’t just expanding the horizons for coffee drinkers; they’re also opening up new ways to enjoy coffee.
Now, we have a wide array of equipment available that caters to different tastes and makes sophisticated brewing methods more accessible to everyone.
Particularly gaining popularity are methods like siphon and cold brew.
Siphon coffee uses a siphon brewer and heat source, combining vacuum and immersion to achieve a clean and complex flavour.
Meanwhile, cold brew, using a cold brew maker and filters, involves a long-duration immersion process, resulting in a smooth and mild coffee.
These methods, supported by well-designed equipment, allow us to craft coffee with both precision and creativity, tailored to individual preferences.
At the end of the day, the secret to coffee mastery lies in a mix of knowledge, experimentation and personal preference.
Choose coffee beans you like.
Be they from Africa or South America, Indonesian or the Caribbean.
Decide if you want a small intense shot or a big mug of black.
Want milk, want foam??
We have to try everything to know what we like.
Personally, I enjoy a black americano made from Nicaraguan or Mexican beans.
I like it either from my fancy automated coffee machine or if I’m feeling fruity, from my pour over.
Coffee doesn’t have to be difficult, it’s trial and error over a period of time to find what floats YOUR boat.


  1. So informative. Im using these videos as a companion guide to my journey into learning about and enjoying coffee

  2. I think for me if i did like coffee I'd like the quicker version but then again if I loved coffee I'd most likely prefer all methods

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