Insane Interior Design in This Fort Lauderdale, FL Home [5000×3332]

by tomgreen99200


  1. yabadabado0

    Something isn’t right but I can’t place my finger on it. Maybe the ceiling isn’t working with everything else?

  2. BedditTedditReddit

    What’s insane about it? This looks very off the shelf.

  3. jzzanthapuss

    I don’t like the halo lamps or the postal stamp pool statue..the chairs are too close together for their size and weight.

  4. rewindpaws

    Looks too commercial. Not welcoming, but I’m not sure why.

  5. BigCaregiver7244

    Does “insane” mean “incredibly dull” now?

  6. feedzone_specialist

    O taste, taste, wherefore art though taste?

  7. fuzzy11287

    I bet the reflection of those lights on that TV is awful.

  8. smarmageddon

    If by “insane” you mean “ugly af” then I agree.

  9. This looks like a generic bland hotel lobby.

  10. vluggejapie68

    Imagine being able to afford a house like this, and then making the decision to decorate like that. Jezus tap-dancing Christ what an atrocity.

  11. Have they considered adding more lights? I see open areas on the ceiling. Definitely fill those in.

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