Marble-clad shower in a renovated farmhouse, Wiltshire, England [1440×1800]

by ManiaforBeatles


  1. tehWoody

    Love it! Would hate to see the bill for that piece of curved marble though, must cost a fortune.

  2. incubuster4

    Lmao is there really only one shower head in that whole thing! The waste of space takes it from incredible to laughable 😂

  3. Doomdoomkittydoom

    Love it.

    Not sure about the dedicated stool to hold a bar of soap outside the shower though.

  4. viv_chiller

    I like the stool the rest is a bit ostentatious oligarch.

  5. Cialis-in-Wonderland

    How much did the pimp (or is it a tacky oil tycoon?) invest into choosing the only marble that costs a fortune while still managing to look like the marble-ish texture from the palace in a 1997 videogame?

  6. Johnny_B_GOODBOI

    The label says Wiltshire, but I know stilton cheese when I see it.

  7. animatedhockeyfan

    That curved piece would have been a bitch to create and install.

  8. HollowofHaze

    This is breathtaking! Though if I were designing it for myself I’d’ve gone with a more subdued marble pattern and a less subdued green for the wall paint

  9. lo_fi_ho

    That floor is going to be rotten/mouldy in a few years tho

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