Hi there, I hope this vague post is allowed. I’m having a really hard time making my garden level apartment look good at all.

I know the couch doesn’t fit. It’s not changing.

I need something done about the windows. What kind of blinds or curtains will work best and look good with these high, short windows?

I need better lighting in the evenings. It’s driving me nuts, to be wo uncomfortable in my own lighting every evening. I need something that’s cozy and maybe something bright that mimics sunlight? The garden level thing makes me feel crazy sometimes. Should I get red lights? What kind? Put them where?

I need ALL of the advice and criticism you can think of. I grew up in a house without any attempt to look nice and I just dont know what I’m doing. I’m willing to spend money, but I dont want to waste money on things that don’t look good. I don’t have an eye for it.

Please help

by neonlittle

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