In this video, I get dressed in an evening gown that is based on 2 evening gowns from 1912 and do my hair and makeup appropriate for the era.
I go through the different layers involved and talk about how the gowns were constructed and explain how to do the hairstyle. Though some of the makeup products I use are modern they give a period-accurate look.

In the end is the menu we used for our reconstruction of a dinner on board the Titanic along with some of the dishes displayed.

The other of the original gowns my dress is based on is in a private collection

the other


  1. I loved this, especially the hair. Yours is so beautiful but I'm sure you get told that a lot! Have you ever seen Tasting History with Max Miller? He recreated some of the meals from the Titanic.

  2. A slight correction in this video. Most ship wrecks sank in a shorter time than the Titanic. The dedication of the crew managing her ballast tanks was to why she sank the way she did. Mostly even. She did have a slight list. The dedication of her electric technicians was to why her lights stayed on for as long as they did. As for her lifeboats, She had four more than regulation required. At the time lifeboats were meant to ferry passengers between ships, not be out in the ocean for extended periods of time like they were in the titanic sinking. Her sister. the Britannic, sank in 30 minutes.

  3. So thoroughly enjoyed this video. You covered all the pertinent details & the fashion history as well. The dress creations, especially the green evening gown, are extraordinary, & all this presented in 12.5 minutes. That takes a special kind of talent. A lovely memorial to Titanic at this time of year. Thank you for sharing.

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