so this new bloxburg trash themed update didn’t come with as many hidden small changes this time around, but there’s still a few fun ones!

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🍞Video schedule of the week! 3/18 – 3/24🍞
Monday – small bloxburg trash update hidden details (Done!)
Tuesday – maybe a break day
Wednesday – building a budget bloxburg house with update items
Thursday – house flipping my bloxburg abandoned house maybe
Friday – building a sketchy bloxburg motel
Saturday – to be determined!
Sunday – random roblox games return i think

This schedule is NOT 100% ACCURATE AND will be changed a lot throughout the week! It’s just an idea of what to potentially expect…

#roblox #bloxburg #welcometobloxburg

It’s a little frightening it’s actually squished in there it’s really scary there’s nutrition facts on it oh my gosh wait I need to see the nutrition facts can I read it what that’s a lot of calories for this Ow so in today’s video we’re going to be talking about all of these Small hidden details with the new bloxburg trash update I actually doing this a few days later after the update so I’m pretty sure most of you have already caught on to these things but in case you didn’t I

Still making this video I’m still making it it’s actually probably going to be like the shortest hidden details video because there wasn’t too many things with this update there’s still a few so let’s let’s begin so the first thing I want to make note of is that spend your

Block bucks on this mouse hole there is a chance that this mouse does come out on its own randomly um you can speed up the process by clicking on the mouse hole and you’ll have like a little question mark and that is one of the

Ways to just see it faster but you don’t really have to do anything you can just kind of chill and eventually it will come out and every time the mouse comes out of this um the color of it is randomized a yellow Mouse I think I don’t know you can get many different

Mouse colors so it is really cool that they did that variety variety of Mouse um and when it does come out it’s actually kind of scary to look at I don’t know if I can show you guys this hold on okay we’re just going to sit

Here and wait so you bring the mouse out this is what it looks like okay looks like this oh I love this oh this is cute the animation is so good okay it’s going to bring the cheese and then if we go into the wall the mouse hole is in it’s

A little frightening it’s actually squished in there it’s really scary I’m sure sure most of you already saw that but that is what’s going on behind the scenes it is adorable can we just have it as a pet I can’t wait for like small pets okay here’s a better view of

Pulling the cheese inside like that is um that’s interesting that’s that’s very since they animate these animals so well I’m super excited for just like little pets in the house like you know before they add in like actual pets eventually of course we can start with the small

Ones like pet mouse a pet rat I don’t know pet bird these animations are amazing UTA flan is an amazing animator I’m so excited for the eventual like small pets that we can actually have in our house like you know to feed and take

Care of all right so the Mouse has a few animations for when it comes out on its own it’ll peek its head out like this and then it’s just like what’s happening okay this is quite the sight to see oh it starts sniffing everywhere then it’s going to

Um oh it runs back in and then there will be another animation oh here’s the second animation okay so it’s a lot different this time the mouse will actually like climb up its mouse hole wall thing and then it’ll run back in you’ll see its tail yeah so there’s

Those two animations I believe there’s only two animations for when it comes out on its own and then why that take so long I literally spent 10 minutes trying to like explain the whole Mouse thing even though it’s not that important but it’s kind of cool little details they

Took that time to animate it I’m going to Showcase it so another fun fact about this um Mouse animation is that it took about 3 to 4 weeks to animate so oh my gosh that’s literally like the whole time like that’s the entire time until

An update comes out 3 to 4 weeks cuz usually they come out within like four to 5 weeks each time so number two this is once again it’s a small fun detail but this broken stove surely lives up to its name you know the oven does not work

As you can see the oven door is just broken um it’s not very safe to use it but the stove I believe does work we’re going to if you try to make like um corn dogs you know if you try to use the actual oven and you click on it it will

Actually say the oven is broken oven is broken can’t use it um but you can still like but the stove top still works as normal so this pretty much is like one of those oven those stove tops that you can find in build mode as well like the

Electric stove tops or like the gas stove top thingies that you can put on your counters it pretty much just acts like that that’s fun that’s great lovely making my chili with a broken stove that’d be funny if it can catch on fire that’d be great that’d be a fun detail I

Want that to happen so number three we actually end up getting one new food item and it is a quick meal so if you go to the fridge this was highly requested you go to the fridge and click on quick meal and like click more a few times

You’ll find that they added Ramen or easy noodles which is $4 and this is actually quite a fitting like quick meal to add for this type of update because it is like budget items and whatnot and ramen happens to be one of the cheapest things you can I don’t know about

Nowadays I think it’s inflated as well but yeah we actually have roben in this game now very fun so it looks like this it’s called quick noodles and it’s a chicken and please stop moving chicken and leak flavor Just Add Water wow it looks like on the top pretty much

Similar um yeah instant cup noodles all you have to do is heat it up in the microwave let it sit in there for a bit doesn’t take long there’s nutrition facts on it oh my gosh wait I need to see the nutrition facts can I read it

What oh my gosh these this is crazy is that like 2,000 or something what is that 1 3,000 I really can’t read it it’s very blurry but that’s a lot of calories for this doodle oh my gosh 12% carbs sodium is like 50% or something I really

Can’t read it that looks like a 50 I’m just going to go guess a 50 but that’s a lot of calories when you’re eating it the lid pops off and you use chopsticks to eat it for detailing delicious see the leaks in there and chicken chicken

And leak flavor guys I want them to add more flavors and I’m also wondering if you can can you color it in build mode I need to figure this out okay you can’t you can’t so now that we have cup Ramen I want them to add like Bowl Ramen you

Know like just ramen in a bowl something more Gourmet something more very fancy all right so the last thing on this list like I said this is going to be a very quick like hidden details video but um yeah there’s new materials they didn’t really specify in the update log itself

But obviously if you just go to it and look through the materials you can see which ones are exactly new old wide horizontal planks wide vertical planks I believe this is new because we had the thing we had before was the vertical planks but they did add wide vertical

Planks so that is in I believe a new thing that they added it was a little confusing at first old wide horizontal planks wide vertical planks we got old wide vertical planks um the wide vertical planks wide horizontal planks the broken tiles we also have stained

Uneven Stripes oh I didn’t use that for my abandoned video oops dirt Stak which actually came with the couch the new couch that we got from the update so those are your new textures new materials so we have 1 2 3 4 5 six seven we actually have like seven new

Materials they listed five but I think it’s seven because of the like new like wide vertical and wide horizontal planks we have seven of them this is what they all look like very nice I can’t believe I actually stocked up oh yeah another thing I wanted to not okay this is like

An old thing okay I’m just going to add this to the video anyways because why not but you can stock up on limited like wallpaper or like limited materials because here are my Valentine’s materials and I wish I did this for the Christmas ones I can’t believe I didn’t

Do this for the Christmas ones all you have to do is like keep them somewhere I don’t know you could have like a wallpaper stock somewhere on your plot but yeah you can just keep on using these it’s great I don’t know this is my first time actually stocking up on them

It’s crazy that’s the little thing I know it’s definitely an older thing but I might as well add it to this video since there’s not many talk about anyway but yeah that will wrap up this uh quick bloxb headden details video if you found it interesting information way let me

Know if there are any other like hidden things from this update let me know in the comments but other than that that is pretty much it I’ll let you guys enjoy your day now thanks for watching again as always Goodbye


  1. I hope in the future they make it so you can buy limited wallpapers from the furniture place? I’m not sure how it would work but maybe it can be priced up a bit or smth??

  2. Thanks peetah this looks funny ngl 😂. Hope you have a nice day!, don't overwork yourself and please have a good amount of sleep to you Peetah and to ur family as well! :))

  3. Petah I got a question!? How does your mouse do the other animations? I can only see the on where the rat takes cheese…..ANYWAY LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!!

  4. peetah you should stock you limited wall paper in ur basement but then you can’t see it but u can still use it 😃

  5. Roses are red vilots r blue mom said its mah turn to get pinned if not she will wack u with a shoe wich will make u go roodlooo

  6. imagine there’s a hamster cage, and it can be customizable,you can add tubes to it and all that fun stuff, you would have to feed it and refill the water every 2-3 bloxburg days.

  7. It would be so cool if with the broken things like the oven you could hold a wrench and do an emote and it could fix it and it would turn into the normal version of the item!

  8. First time i watch you i was 12/13 now im 16 it's been so long I've not played bloxburg so literally today i decided to build a mansion and randomly i remember you 😭🙏🏻💖 i will count you as my childhood love you 😋💗

  9. 1:23 As someone who does animation, i can confirm you dont animate things that normally arent seen, this would waste resources and often not even be possible as sometimes your character just runs through a wall

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