Join us as we explore the last region of France and uncover the secrets of champagne. Learn about the different grape varieties, the unique process of making champagne, and experience its delightful flavors. Cheers! #FrenchWine #ChampagneLove #WineExploration #BubblyFun #CheersToChampagne #WineLover #GrapeVarieties #FrenchWineRegions #SparklingWine #WineTasting

There’s no sugar but it tastes riper than the than the Bordeaux and and the certainly than the P Noir it’s time for champagne yes this is our last region and champagne is a region it is a region in France and champagne is the wine that comes from the region of champagne the

Truth is the only thing that is actually champagne comes from Champagne in France everything else is sparkling white wine sparkling wine Andre is sparking white wine Andre is a little weird because I think they’re actually grandfathered in and they can use the term champagne even though they’re not champagne yeah it’s

Weird I like Andre cuz it was um uh two for six in my college town that is um often why people like things in college town you know really exciting so this is not two for six actual champagne is going to run you like 35 bucks my goodness minimum this is probably more

Like 45 this part makes me really okay that was that part makes that part makes you what I I thought that was going to be that was very Pro champagne is the last region that you really absolutely have to know in France there are other regions there are plenty of other

Regions in France and it’s great fun to learn about them all but if you learn these few you will cover a whole lot of bases really well I don’t think I’ve ever had champagne you’ve never had champagne I don’t think so um oh I come from a prco family you can smell it

You’ll get a little bit of like a sharpness in your in your nose from the CO2 carbon dioxide and again you get a little bit of green apple a little bit of sort of a sweet lemon note smells like the cleaner at my preschool I think it was like a citrus Citrus probably

Citrus cleaner cleaner scent that would make sense yeah typically champagne is a blend of three Gra varieties chardonay which we had yes P Noir I’ll get to that in a second and Pino Manet when you get grapes even if you have a red grape you cut it open the

Flesh of the grape is pale green what you do when you make champagne is you take you take P Noir grapes you crush the juice out of them but you get rid of the skin so it never turns red oh my God yeah so this actually has red grapes in

It it’s good yeah it is isn’t it champagne is good champagne is good I had no idea it definitely makes you smile it does but see now you know three things you really like you like champagne you like sanser and you like Bordeaux cool so now hie knows

Everything she needs to know about French wine she knows some of her favorites um you guys know everything there is to know about well six French regions five French regions however many French regions are you covered yeah five five but there are more than that six

There are there are plenty more there so many there’s so many but you don’t need to know them all and you know what a kind couple of kinds of wine you like champagne is good um um and Bordeaux is good and P Noir sucks so I mean that’s

Sort of what I learned if you have French wines you love we’d love to hear about it if you have French wines you don’t love you don’t love P Noir from burgundy apparently but you do love Sun anyway we would like to know so please comment say whatever you like and if you

Have questions about French wine we’d love to answer them go forth try some French wines and cheers everyone cheers to you you you killed it you killed it you drank it all that’s what we like to see

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