Versatile and tasty this classic culinary school recipe won’t disappoint

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Food Photography by Kate Blenkiron

Welcome back to the channel everyone so on our last video we’ve made a starter and this time as we said last week we’re going to continue and start to make a m the recipe we’re going to be making today is called the chicken bery it is a

Simple sauteed chicken that comes with a sauce from the same name called the source bersi that sauce is one of the quintessential building block of sauce making and it’s is the source that is taught to student in the first year at culinary school why because it outlines

The very very basic of the famous sa dig technique which is sa a piece of meat dig with a bit of wine and shalot add some stock and have a basic brown sauce now the good thing and the reason I want to do that sauce is that because it is a

Sauce that is extremely versatile you can make it with beef you can make it with chicken if you want like here and you can also make it with fish it’s got also a bit of a history that’s was dat back from the 19th century and Legend

Has it it was inv vented on the bank on the riversand in the area of bers in Paris that was the trading port and one of the epicenter of wine trading back then that sauce the sauce BC was named so because it was a brown sauce known to

Be made with two little things shout outs from the local markets and lots of wine and this is what I’ve got here of course you’re going to need a stock I’ve got behind me my home St demig glass Link in the video description and on the

Screen can be made in 30 minutes and if you don’t have that you can use a simple pre-made stock from the shop it will work as well let’s go it always fascinates me in French cooking how very simple and rudimentary ingredients can be used to make race something good and

Here as you can see it’s not much the star of the show is really the shallots you want lots of shallots at least 50 gram for four chicken tis here and a little glass of wine maybe 100 Mil you know 150 M if you want we’re going to

Reduce it anyway and some stocks this is the home style demig glass I’m talking about what is it it is simply a store boo stock a ve stock that have enhance in flavor by cooking it with a mix of aromatics and and chicken wings that have chopped up and brown so you get

More color and more flavor and this is kind of the result but still we’re going to have to reduce this even more because that sauce is an instant sauce that means once the the chicken is ready and has been saute it’s colored it’s cooked we’re going to have to make the sauce

But really really quick we’re not going to spend too much time reducing the whole lot so time is always of the essence and now let’s begin the recipe of course before you start make sure you’ve measured your wine you finely chop your shots you’ve chopped as well a

Tablespoon worth of parsley and you have your stock ready we’re going to be cooking here the chicken in a sauté pan in a tablespoon of oil with about 20 gram of butter it’s a bit the escco style on here and we’re going to use a you know a medium medium heat because we

Don’t want to burn the butter on here we’re going to take it easy to color the chicken so I’m just going to wait for my pen to come to temperature here and then we’re going to put the chicken to skin side down now butter tends to burn at

Very high temperature but it can still take uh quite some heat as you can see here even if you’re on a medium high you’re still fine but I always prefer to really start easy and let these uh tights cook slowly and color slowly rather than starting in

A very raging heat and try to burn everything thing you know and we’ve got 20 to 25 minutes so there’s no rush at all make sure it’s seasoned salt and pepper okay and I’m going to start by leaving this for a good you know five even 10 minutes slowly on this side

Until it is colored and in the meantime we’re going to be taking care of the stock and now for the stock so I’ve got about 400 mil of my Homestyle demig glass is already tasty it’s got that nice color but I want to reduce it as

Much as I can so I’m going to reduce it by half so that I’m left with about 200 mil and that is going to really saves a lot of time when my chicken is ready because as soon as the chicken is ready I’m going to pour that reduced stock and

The reducing time is going to have to make my sauce it’s going to be kept to a minimum and it also concentrate the flavor if you have a store board stock you may want to prefer starting perhaps with like two cups you know something like this half a liter and reduce this

By half or even to 200 mil because it can get hard sometimes to really get these flavors going with stowboard stock but so now back to the chicken it’s been uh cooking gently and let’s have a look bit look at this almost a good almost a

Good 10 minutes in there look at the colors see very slowly it’s getting a nice coloring I’m going to turn it and if your chicken renders too much fat from this skin mine was quite FID use a spoon and remove the excess always be in control don’t leave too much fat in

There you want some but you know you don’t want like too much of it always going to start to boil and almost like a deep frying effect another thing that can be done as well to make sure it Cooks properly you can use the lead you don’t want to cover the whole thing

Totally but you can kind of loosely cover it like this to keep the heat in there okay but make sure there’s not too much you know water vapor that forms and goes into the pan my stock is now ready it has reduced but one of the problem

You can encounter a lot of time with uh stock even from the shop is that they’re going to be still very liquid in the professional world you have to use what’s called a thien stock so what we’re going to do here we’re going to fix it with about 1 and 1/2

Tablespoon of Arrow root which is a little bit like cornstarch we’ve diluted with a tiny bit of water okay so I’m mixing both of these together I’m going to use a spoon and all what you do is to mix that together and you get a kind of a wi paste the

Problem with this which is a bit like corn starch that you will see uh it’s a nice method to thicken sausage but it whitens the sausage look at the color you see it’s a very whitish kind of color so that’s the bit of the drawback but it really will help you to

Thicken to get that consistency of a sauce so I’m mixing it like that and I’m going to put this back in my pan warming up a little bit and we’re going to have the stock done so I’m back on the stove and look at what I’ve got now what was

Really liquid now I’ve got a kind of a semi sery consistency which is perfect and what you want when you make this kind of sauces so when we a thicken sauce it is usually that kind of consistency you see it’s almost syrupy and it’s got that spoon coating power

Just a tach but it’s just enough so you don’t want to go any further than that because we’re going to thicken the sauce afterward in the P so I’m I can turn my heat off here and all we need to wait now for the chicken to be ready look at

These lovely colors my chicken is now ready has a bit more than 25 minutes make sure you got an internal temperature of at least 75 or something like that can reduce you heat I’m going to reserve this into a plate I’m going to keep it warm covered in foil in the

Oven at 50° C well we make the sauce and now the chicken is resting is in the oven we got a good 10 minutes we can do the sauce so this brown stuff is what you want this is the the golden the gold that you want there’s quite some fat in

There usually you will um get rid of the excess of fat but here we’ve got a lot of shots to work with so I’m going to go to a medium Heat I want to burn too much or anything and I’m going to take plenty of shots in

Here reduce my heat because we’re going to want to use this fat to cook the shallot in there you see and very quickly they will absorb and start to cook so if it’s too dry you’re going to have a problem really to you know to cook this shot and we’re going

To spend a good 3 minutes or more and wait until the shots are cook now shots cook very quickly compared to onions okay H but it’s important that you wait until they are cooked because once you add the wine they will absolutely stop cooking now the most important here is

Not to burn the shallots you don’t want that so you want to reduce your heat as much as you can while this is cooking and you can raise your heat after when we’re going to do the famous deing so saute is what we’ve done with the meat

Okay we’ve adding the shot and now we’re going to be ready for the de which is the glazing this is where we’re going to detach all the caramelized juices from the pan that’s good enough my shots are cooked now I’m going to raise my heat and get ready to pour that wine in

Okay so just want to raise it a little bit just I’m going to put it on really high and you can see what’s going to happen here you can see it starts to sizzle a bit more and I’m not going to wait too long

And all the one in if you want you can put more and what we’re going to do here is to use that big quantity of wine to detach we call it theis in French it is all these camelized juices so you want to slowly scrap don’t Don’t Force It too much and

Let It Go little it boil just a minute or two Max so I’ve been scraping and swirling My Pan over and look how clean the pan is now see it was full of brown bits and now it’s absolutely clean this sauce by the way is one of the very rare

Sauce where you can actually leave two or three tablespoon of wine behind so you can see the amount of liquid that I’ve got here it’s quite a lot so this is the wine with the shot and you got that nice concoction and you really want

To start to thicken a little bit but you don’t want to get it totally dry you want to keep some of that juices and from here absolutely easy all what you’re going to do is to add the rest of your sauce and then same thing going to bring to the

Boil and this is when I told you that time is of the essence if we did not reduce our stock and we had imagine half a liter of stock in there you’ll be standing in front of your pan for 15 minutes so here all what we need to do

Is bring this to a little boil reduce a tiny bit for just a few minutes and that’s going to be it we’re going to be done after a few minutes there you have it this is the end Anor of all brown sauce the bare bone sauce the basic

Brown sauce with charot called the sauce B I can turn my heat off and you got two options here you can go The Rustic way which is just using the sauce as is with the shalot and pour it over your meat or you can filter the sauce to get rid of

The shot if for instance you think the shot did not cook properly that’s an easy way out you can pass this through a seeve and have the sauce with the taste of the shot but without the shallot but there’s one final step of course that we

Always do in French cooking and that is called Mont La sauce orer we need a little bit of butter and what it is when the heat is off you put 10 or 20 gram of butter and you’re going to slowly swirl your pan and let the butter melt and

That action really tends to give a gloss to your sauce and also a nice taste and that buttery taste is made out of cream butter and we’re done look at this we went from that kind of brownish color to now more chest nutty color with a shine and a gloss and

Look at that sauce it’s very rudimentary but it’s time to taste the butter absolutely add something Shota cook it’s great and I like the acidity that you still have in there some people add a little bit of lemon juice if you want it more acidic and it’s time for the seasoning I’ve

Think the salt is all right but what I will add it’s a little bit of freshly ground black pepper in there okay never use a whisk by the way when you finish a sauce otherwise it can whiten the sauce always always a spoon a just world into the pan and

That’s about it we’re done we’re ready to serve now remember this dish is a very riment dish it was something that was served in small iies on the go you would have the meat like this and you would be serve that sauce that you’ve created so all what you need to do you

Can serve it on the sides but the the true form is really to have this shallots flowing over your chicken in here and you want a good dollop of sauce and it is a very simple but well executed brown sauce you see and a little bit of parsley on top without

Excess just seals the deal and then we have it with better angle this is the chicken alab B A sauteed chicken served with the SAU B and I think this sauce is actually very very important because it is the number one source you want to master have to have this saute de glass

Technique under your belt so you’re going to be learning of really getting this nice color of your meat you have the the caramelized juices you can make your own stock use some wine and you go from this gesture of you know cooking your meat adding your wine waiting for

It to reduce get the right texture that syrupy consistency thicken your sauce add your stock and at the end you got a beautiful Tangy brand sauce well balanced well seasoned and if you want a bit more tanginess with bit of lemon and it is beautiful on chicken I’ve tasted

It again it is great so I will leave you with this picture as always please have a go at making that sauce and tell me what you think in the comment section as for me as I said I will see you the next time for a dessert and we’ll complete

Our first rotation of starter Main and dessert I see you Then Me


  1. Well that’s exciting. I always have those ingredients. Except white wine, but that’s easy enough to buy. Thanks! I wonder if you can keep the extra sauce in the fridge for a few days, in a jar?

  2. Mmmm Have a chicken in the freezer. Need wine and shallots. I'm guessing, but a good drinking wine – chardonnay?

    And yes, white potatoes and cauliflower for a round two – Galentine's dinner!

  3. Epaissir une sauce avec de la farine est de la triche, Bocuse pour n'en nommer qu'un, a toujours utilisé les sucs et/ou les légumes pour lier la sauce, voir de la crème ou du beurre.
    La farine ainsi que la fécule donne une consistance dégoûtante.

  4. Such a simple preparation but oh, so elegant! I am LOVING your new book! It's practical, filled with excellent recipes!

  5. I'm a simple cook; I go to restaurants if I want something complex. This is just perfect. One thing: you have convinced me to make homemade stock and have it around, which I never thought I would bother with.

  6. The stock you use is not available to most of us. I hope that using a store bought stock still works.

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